Sunday, January 31, 2016

How to Move database in Exchange 2013

When the default installation of exchange server will create the Databases in same location. It's good to have those Databases and the Log file in separate drivers.

To do this you can follow below mentioned steps.

Initial database will be configured under Program Files> Microsoft > Exchange Server >  V15 > Mailbox

You can use Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet to  view current list of databases.

 To view the location of any of those database you can  type, Get-MailboxDatabase -DatabaseName | FL Name,*Path*. 
For example, we want to view the location of Database named “Mailbox Database 0693451254”.
You can use, Get-MailboxDatabase “Mailbox Database 0693451254” | fl Name, *path*

To move the Mailbox database you can use below command, 
 Database will be moved to E: Drive and Log file will be moved to F: Drive

Move-Databasepath “Mailbox Database 0693451254″ -EdbFilepath “E:\Exchange_Database\Mailbox Database 0693451254.edb” -LogFolderpath “F:\Exchange_Archive”

Press "Y" and wait till this complete.

Once this done, you can see that this databases were move in to the locations that we have specified.

To verify the database locations, you can run the following command again.

Get-MailboxDatabase - Database 0693451254 | FL Name,*Path*

 Or else you can go in to Exchange admin Center> Server > Mailbox Database > General