Here I’m gonna talk about creating the Resource group by using PowerShell.
First you need to login into the Azure portal by using the subscription that you have.
Then give the correct credentials and remotely connect to your Azure portal.
To Deploy a resource first you need to find the correct location. To find the a available locations you can run Below Command,
Get-AzureRmLocation | sort DisplayName | Select DisplayName
To Create a new Azure Resource group, you can try the following command. Here I have used the Resource group name as "SL_Resource_Group" and the location as "East Asia"
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "SL_Resource_Group" -Location "East Asia"
You will get the confirmation as below,
Here I'm going to create a VM by using a already given script. Once you run that, It will create the VM under the resource group which you have created earlier. This will prompt for username, Password, DNS name
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName "SL_Resource_Group" -TemplateUri
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